Thursday, September 06, 2007

Hmm… politics as normal or…?

I just read this little story over at about some “public officials” that were arrested on bribery charges from an investigation… But what really stuck out at Me in the article is the mention of the political affiliation of 2 of the arrested – “both Democrats” – and yet not a single mention of the party affiliations of the other 9 “officials” that were arrested. Read the story below…

(CNN) -- Eleven public officials were arrested in New Jersey as part of a corruption investigation, the U.S. attorney's office announced Thursday.

State Assemblymen Mims Hackett Jr. and Alfred E. Steele -- both Democrats -- and Passaic Mayor Samuel Rivera are among those arrested, a source in the U.S. attorney's office said.

Also arrested were the chief of staff to the Newark City Council president, two Passaic City Councilmen and five Pleasantville school board members, the source said.

The Star-Ledger in Newark, New Jersey, citing sources close to the investigation, reported that the officials were arrested on bribery charges pertaining to roofing and insurance contracts.

The 18-month investigation, which included undercover operations and secret recordings, focused on officials in Passaic, Essex and Atlantic counties, sources told the newspaper.

The probe targeted school board members, state lawmakers, mayors and city officials, the sources said, according to The Star-Ledger.

U.S. Attorney Christopher J. Christie and FBI agent Weysan Dun are expected to announce the charges and provide details at a 3:30 p.m. news conference in front of the federal courthouse in Trenton.

Those arrested will begin making appearances before a judge at 2 p.m. Thursday

So, again, My question is this – is this normal or is this a slightly slanted article…?

It just seems a little odd – to Me – that the political party affiliation of 2 of the 11 that were arrested was announced… Why even bother? Or, better yet, why not mention the affiliation of all 11…? Why just single out the 2…?

We all know that there are many different levels of corruption at many different levels of the governments we’ve all elected – whether local, city, county, state or national levels. There are the stories of this Senator or that Congress-person accepting “gifts” from this group or that group… there are the issues of this Congress member or Senator being busted for hiring hookers or looking for love in all the wrong places….

I’m not saying that any political party has any more – or less – potential to be lured to the “dark side” of politics… I don’t think that you have to be more corrupt to be a Republican or less to be a Democrat… or even a member of the Freedom Party or the Green Party or the _________ party…. If you’re corrupt or not, the political party you belong too isn’t going to change your “corruptness” level.

Yes, a lot HAS been made of the political party affiliation of this Congress member or that Senator when discussing his or her scandalous behavior. We all know that Larry Craig is a Republican… we all heard that Tom Delay is a Republican… we all remember about Larry “Duke” Cunningham and his Republican nature…

And we all were told about that Democrat from – Arkansas? – that had thousands of dollars in his freezer – William Jefferson… and there was the Dem that had an altercation with some TSA worker at some airport… and there were others, I’m sure, but few come to My mind….

But, again, why did CNN seem to feel the need to disseminate the party affinity of these 2 New Jersey politicians but not the affinity of the other 9…? We all know that Fox CLAIMS to be “fair and balanced” – even though they usually just parrot the White House talking points… and I’m sure that they’re going to have a FIELD DAY with this revelation about Hackett and Steele and their “Democrat-ness”… but what of the other 9…?

CNN, of course, will probably be able to maintain their impartiality by either claiming that they never knew the party of the other 9, or just deny that the party affinity of the other 9 “lesser” office holders really mattered. So what that one ran a city, one managed a city, 2 were on a city commission and 5 – yes FIVE – were on the local school board… I guess their political level doesn’t matter – too “local”…

But, still… My point is that these media outlets need to report ALL the news, not just the news that they THINK is important… Is it important to know that Steele and Hackett were Democrats? Not really… Should we know about Mayor Rivera and all the others and what their affiliation is? Probably not… Does it matter to the story which party they claim? Nope, not at all. They’re just corrupt politicians taking bribes and hoping to get away with it… and they can’t.

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